Lojong Practice Journal: Self-liberate even the antidote
The 59 slogans through a social justice lens
Self-liberate even the antidote is a slogan that stops my mind. It’s like a zen koan — something we cannot understand conceptually.
This is an instruction to prevent us from falling into a fundamentalist view of things. It’s telling us we must let go even of the teachings, even of the very instruction that got us to where we are now. Let go of analysis. Let go of meditation. Let go of contemplation. Let go of perfecting the technique on the cushion. Let go of wanting to alleviate suffering. Let go of any goal at all.
It’s like the metaphor of seeing someone pointing to the moon and obsessing over their finger, rather than looking at the brilliance of the moon. Don’t get obsessed with the sign. The teachings are merely directions, or a map, not the location itself.
This is a genuinely non-theistic view. Not theism as the belief in a god or gods, but theism as the belief that there is something outside ourselves, something inherently other, which will somehow save us. That if we just find the right practice or we perfect our meditation, or we hear the right teaching, or we finally grasp the Heart Sutra, we will have arrived.
This slogan throws all that out, saying that what we have used as an antidote is not the core of liberation. Even the antidote obscures an awakened mind.
When we drop the idea that there is a thing or an answer we can discover that will liberate us, we rest in our own capacity for liberation right where we are.
Originally published on Medium.
This is part of a series of posts I did to support my practice. They will always be free for everyone to read and engage with, but if you want to support me financially, that is greatly appreciated. Tips, paid subscription, and regular e-transfers* help me cover the costs of being a creative human being in the world.
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