I'm going to say this now although it applies to this whole series--thank you!! I am so excited to have these resources for fun beautiful heartbreaking arresting ineffable queer content.

...{Man I need to read less mainstream stuff but I find it so hard these days. Hard as in life has been stressful and ingesting anything I don't already have the mental grooves in place for feels like a big ask. Colonialism wins again 😝 (Well also there's more going on that that with me but that's a whole blog post. One that might happen soon.)}...

ANYWAY, love. Also extra love for "Also, the music slaps" and "Yes, I am looking at YOU Brokeback Mountain"--the latter almost made me fall out of my chair laughing. You are the best!!!

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Huzzah! Glad they brought you joy and got to excited for some new content.

And that my footnotes landed as they were meant to. :D

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