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Thank you for sharing this story. It is interesting. I somehow connect the word "attitude" with a certain amount of swagger and posturing, no doubt because that is the way "attitude" is used commonly. But in your story and whenever I realize that I have been triggered, one can see it as a defense mechanism that kicks in. Sometimes when somebody points out a real or imagined flaw in me, I find myself very vulnerable and then have to put up the shield of being offended and getting annoyed. I think this is just like when you go to a massage and the masseur puts their finger on a spot that hurts very much. Of course you say: "Ouch! That hurt!", but that is the spot the masseur has to work on, so you might as well relax. As it says: "Be grateful to everyone", including people who unerringly find the vulnerable spots. Whenever I'm getting really defensive, I know that's where I have work to do. At least the sane me knows that.

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